Monday, February 11, 2013

Life in the Penthouse

When I say Penthouse I mean my new island of Pentecost. Go ahead, look it up, it's ridiculously close to my last island Ambae but it couldn't be more different. I used to go through droughts in the dry season but there's plenty of water here. In fact there are a multitude of rivers and waterfalls which is awesome and I have a tap right outside my house! I'll never have to worry about water again. My house is located a five minute walk from both the river and the ocean which is pretty cool. Interesting fun fact about my new school of Melsisi: it's totally francophone. Which means they all speak French. This is pretty cool because maybe I'll get to learn French but I can only hope. The really difficult part is all of the computers (all five of them) are in French! Just imagine trying to work through Microsoft Word when everything is in French, yea pretty difficult. Hopefully my Francais picks up quick but other than that everything is great. My new host family is actually the principal of the school which is nice, he's really helpful and says I can come over and eat with them anytime which I will be sure to take full advantage of. 

So this will be my last training for a while so I'm not sure when I'll next have Internet, but I do have an iPhone now and I can get Internet on it so we'll see what happens! Here's some pics from the past few weeks, take care all!

View first night I got back from the US.

My plane with ONE pilot..what if he has a heart attack?

It's funny because as I stand here, I have 0 cell phone reception.

French school, French word for showers? Douches.

My neighbor left his door open, woops.

The waterfall at Waterfall Village