Remember when I said that spiders aren’t so bad? I take back everything I said.
Anyway besides that everything is going great, today is 10/25 and we are well underway with our IT training with a bunch of seminars and hands on presentations and things it definitely keeps me busy. Something that we’re all starting to miss – food. There is NO fast food anywhere in Vanuatu, everyone including myself are really craving some fries but hopefully that will pass. Every day I usually go on a wakabout wetem Leikoro and we have already had our fair share of adventure such as a large herd of bullock which came close to stampeding us.
The rest of this update will be more of picture updates because, well they’re worth a thousand words each and that’s a lot less typing I have to do.
This is Mangoleliu (totally spelled wrong) where the other volunteers are staying with their host village
Totally a rough life for the dogs..(not)
Well actually if you really want to know they don’t have domesticated pets here so there’s an abundance of ‘wild’ dogs but they all live in the village and are so timid because people constantly stone them and sometimes even kick them, sad I know but all I can do is be nice to them I won’t even get to the subject of gender roles in this post I’ll save that for later but man I can say I’m glad to be a dude.
Me and my buddy Joel
This road was actually built by Americans during World War II and goes all around the island of Efate.
Apuwoman blong mi (my grandma, who’s the sweetest, most kind and caring lady) preparing some mantioc for dinner
This little video is showing some local wildlife and how annoying they are and my house for a brief second.
(I'll have to upload this later when I have longer time, it's too slow to upload)
This is my papa and little brother Brandon!
Brandon again
Me scratching coconuts (making coconut shavings)
Meg the huntress on the prowl with my bush knife (she originally asked for scissors but I handed her that instead)
Successful kill of a millipede
Me just exploring
Also I don’t think I’ve mentioned this yet but everyone gets an custom island name only used within the village. Mine is Kaltava which means ‘mountain warrior’ – there are no hills or mountains that I can’t climb so I told my papa that I’d climb all the volcanoes of Vanuatu to live up to my name and he liked that.
Hope you enjoyed! Tata for now
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