Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Mali Vols

We’ve just received news that all of the Peace Corps in Mali, Africa were evacuated due to a coup. Whenever there is any sort of internal struggle or any engagement in war/rebellion Peace Corps is immediately evacuated out and leaves the country, and it turns out there were about 200 volunteers in Mali and they were given the option of just going home or going to serve in another country. Out of the few who decided to continue on to another country three of them are going to be sent to Vanuatu. Someone from PC called Zack (who as you know lives very close by me) and asked if it would be OK if someone moved to his village and he said sure, which means we are getting one of the Mali vols (short for volunteers) which is pretty cool! That will bring Ambae up to eight PCVs which beats every other island except Efate in terms of number of volunteers and that will make three man Ambae on west which is also nice. 


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