So between the time I knew my dog was missing and I found her I
decided to get a cat. This time it was more for practical purposes: catching
rats. Every custom house has rats and they are really annoying and just totally
destroyed my food safe so I decided it was time to even the odds. I tried
poison and rat traps but nothing worked, and if it did another one would just
be there the next day. Also late at night they love to just chew on wood really
loudly in my house, so that’s also really annoying and keeps me up at night. I
knew that my host family has some wild cats that just had some kittens that
like to hang around outside their house so I went up there to ask about them
and my host papa was more than happy to grab one, throw it in a rice bag and
hand it to me. I brought this cat back to my house and could tell pretty
quickly it wasn’t too thrilled at its new living arrangements. It sort of
freaked out and kept meowing and tried to escape my house, but I made it some
powdered milk and gave it some tin tuna so it would hopefully realize this is
where it’s going to live now, so don’t go anywhere. After about an hour I gave
up trying to pet it, it was pretty wild and wouldn’t come anywhere near me so I
just laid down on the floor and took a nap. After I woke up I noticed the cat
was now gone, oh well not a big loss, he didn’t seem to be too happy here.
Later that day, as the sun was going down I saw this pathetic looking cat
sitting outside the kitchens hoping to get some sort of scraps so I scooped it
up and brought it back to my house and that one was very grateful cat.
As soon
as it started eating all the food I heard this other meow come from somewhere
inside my house and there crawling out from underneath a suitcase was the
original cat who got instantly territorial and hissed at the other one. I had
the two cats for a few days but realized that I couldn’t keep the pathetic
looking one because that didn’t know to go to the bathroom outside which was not
good. I just kind of brought him back to the kitchens and that’s pretty much
where it lives now. Anyway jealousy hit the other cat pretty hard and now it’s
turned into my best friend and is constantly coming up to me and just being
annoying in general. Right now it’s pretty small so I don’t think it can handle
rats yet but it has caught a few geckos which is good because they crawl on my
roof and piss on my head which is not enjoyable.
So as soon as I got Shaiah back I was wondering what was gonna
happen with my new cat and my new found dog. It was pretty strange when the cat
hissed at Shaiah and she was immediately terrified of it. Over time they’ve
gotten to be pretty good friends so now I have one security for
people and one for rats!
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