Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quick Update!

Hello yufala!

First holiday (Thanksgiving) in Vanuatu was pretty strange, it sucked being away from family but we still had a good time here and made some makeshift desserts but had no turkey or any other delicacies unfortunately. Anyway I don't have much time but this Sunday (12/4) (Wow it's December already?) we are all going to Port Vila for the week and staying in a hotel there before we all leave for our sites. We all learn our sites TOMORROW (12/2) !!!! This is a huge ordeal because this is where we find out what island we'll all be on for the next two years of our life, we're all really getting anxious to find out what ones they could be. Also one last update I wanted to give was the mailing address I gave in a previous post is correct and always will be - all mail is sent here and then from there the PC sends it to the individual islands so you all send things to the Port Vila address and it will get to me, the one small change is rather than writing 'PCT' you can write 'PCV' which is Peace Corps Volunteer rather than a trainee, I don't officially swear in for a few days but for from now on you all can just write that to send me things!

Ale, will give a  better update later, ta!


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